Wednesday, October 15, 2014

A Numbness Worse Than the Cold....

As Lifen was pulled out of the hut she struggled against the two women. "No! You don't understand! That's my mother in there!" she pleaded. When the young woman came back out with a grim expression, Lifen knew. Her face fell and any fighting stopped. Her entire body seemed to sag. There were no tears in Lifen's eyes. She just - felt numb. The freezing wind didn't even seem to bother her anymore. The two women slowly let go of her. They were obviously torn between comforting the young woman or just leaving her be. In the end they simply decided to walk away without a word. They came all this way for a cure.... For what? Her mother died in the end. She looked up to the young woman. "T-thank you... For trying." She was obviously having difficulty even summoning the strength to speak.


Torrik was hurriedly helping everyone set up for the show tonight. He was preparing the animals, preparing the stalls, helping set up the tents, and other things here and there. His firebending was too unstable to actually be a part of the show, but Rennick still let him stay and travel with the circus, so Torrik didn't mind. The area was already bustling with people who were excited about tonight's show. It wasn't surprising. Rennick's rag-tag group of comrades were extremely popular pretty much everywhere. Torrik was helping unload trunks from a wagon when he accidentally ran into the ringleader himself. Costumes, wigs, and props flew from the trunk as it and Torrik fell to the ground. "S-s-sorry sir," stammered Torrik as he picked up the costumes.

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