Saturday, May 3, 2014

Character Profile: Min Ya

Name: Min Ya
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Air Nomad

Weapon: Yo-yo

Origin: Eastern Air Temple

Personality: Min Ya is a calm, collected individual. She can be naive to the ways of the world due to her seclusion, but she should never be mistaken as dim.

Background: Min Ya grew up hearing the tales about Avatar Aang, who had been the only surviving Air Bender after the Genocide. After stopping the Fire Lord, Avatar Aang had started work recovering the former temples to their former Glory. Less appealling was the history of the repopulation of the air nomads.

Air nomads had been seperated by gender to the different temples in the past. However, with the need to bring air nomads back to the world, Aang and his decendants were required to bear families with people of the other nations. This meant a total reconstruction of family values.

Unfortunately, this mingling with other races had also openned up the Air Nomads to the plague, taking the lives of many Air Nomads. Panic was caused in the ranks, between the need to isolate themselves again, and the need to increase their numbers. This lead to many disagreements between the temples. Some consider it near time to return to the old ways, as their isolation brought them closer to the Spirit World, and had increased their chances of birthing airbenders.

Min Ya herself grew up in the Eastern Air Temple. She's one of the first children concieved to two Airbenders in centuries. She was a bright child, who adapted to her bending and meditation easily.

A cure to the plague was finally found five years ago. Tenatively, the air nomads are starting to venture out again. However, disagreements between the temples has only increased.

Min Ya can't wait to get out into the world, and see what lies outside the temples.

Appearance: Air Nomads in these times are a combination of the various nations. Min Ya appears to take more after the Earth Kingdom, with green eyes and brown hair.

Special Abilities: Air Bending Master
Other: Is a mean pastry maker.

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