Friday, May 23, 2014

Character Profile: Lifen

Name: Lifen
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Nationality: Earth Kingdom

Weapon: None

Origin: Ba Sing Se
Personality: Lifen is a very quiet young woman. She is being trained to take over her father's place in the family, which gives her a strong sense of responsibility. She is very reserved and very kind, but due to the two-faced attitude of the me members of court she finds it hard to trust adults. She always carries a comb that her mother gave her, and a small wooden flute. 
Background: Lifen was raised as an aristocrat in Ba Sing Se. Her father was always very strict and had her learn the tricks of the trade very early. Her mother, however, was very kind and very gentle. Lifen was partial to her sweet mother rather than her intimidating father so any time she got away from tutors she spent with her mother. Her mother would often tell her stories of her family and of her great-grandfather who built a cabbage growing and shipping company in face of adversity, but the plague had been hard on the crops as well. The family had been left with what remained of a dying company.
She learned earth bending as a child while playing with her friends. Ever since, her father made her take rigerous lessons from only the best teachers.
Her family isolated themselves from the outside world due to the plague, but to no avail. Her mother soon fell very ill. Since Lifen's father forbade her to go (because she was the only heir to the estate), Lifen snuck out onto the ship heading to the Northern Water Tribe where her mother would soon receive the medicine she needed.
Appearance: Lifen is a very petite girl, so she doesn't much look like a very powerful earthbender, but she is very spry and nimble. She has dark brown hair that is usually pulled into a tight bun with a porcelan comb in her hair in the shape of a lilly. When her hair is down it reaches just at her shoulder. When at home she is dressed in the finest silks, but when she escaped she stole a maid's clothes and tucked her comb in a pocket. She has brown eyes and fair skin.
Special Abilities: Avatar
Other: She is a very good singer and flute player. 

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