Friday, May 23, 2014

Character Profile: Lifen

Name: Lifen
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Nationality: Earth Kingdom

Weapon: None

Origin: Ba Sing Se
Personality: Lifen is a very quiet young woman. She is being trained to take over her father's place in the family, which gives her a strong sense of responsibility. She is very reserved and very kind, but due to the two-faced attitude of the me members of court she finds it hard to trust adults. She always carries a comb that her mother gave her, and a small wooden flute. 
Background: Lifen was raised as an aristocrat in Ba Sing Se. Her father was always very strict and had her learn the tricks of the trade very early. Her mother, however, was very kind and very gentle. Lifen was partial to her sweet mother rather than her intimidating father so any time she got away from tutors she spent with her mother. Her mother would often tell her stories of her family and of her great-grandfather who built a cabbage growing and shipping company in face of adversity, but the plague had been hard on the crops as well. The family had been left with what remained of a dying company.
She learned earth bending as a child while playing with her friends. Ever since, her father made her take rigerous lessons from only the best teachers.
Her family isolated themselves from the outside world due to the plague, but to no avail. Her mother soon fell very ill. Since Lifen's father forbade her to go (because she was the only heir to the estate), Lifen snuck out onto the ship heading to the Northern Water Tribe where her mother would soon receive the medicine she needed.
Appearance: Lifen is a very petite girl, so she doesn't much look like a very powerful earthbender, but she is very spry and nimble. She has dark brown hair that is usually pulled into a tight bun with a porcelan comb in her hair in the shape of a lilly. When her hair is down it reaches just at her shoulder. When at home she is dressed in the finest silks, but when she escaped she stole a maid's clothes and tucked her comb in a pocket. She has brown eyes and fair skin.
Special Abilities: Avatar
Other: She is a very good singer and flute player. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Character Profile: Min Ya

Name: Min Ya
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Air Nomad

Weapon: Yo-yo

Origin: Eastern Air Temple

Personality: Min Ya is a calm, collected individual. She can be naive to the ways of the world due to her seclusion, but she should never be mistaken as dim.

Background: Min Ya grew up hearing the tales about Avatar Aang, who had been the only surviving Air Bender after the Genocide. After stopping the Fire Lord, Avatar Aang had started work recovering the former temples to their former Glory. Less appealling was the history of the repopulation of the air nomads.

Air nomads had been seperated by gender to the different temples in the past. However, with the need to bring air nomads back to the world, Aang and his decendants were required to bear families with people of the other nations. This meant a total reconstruction of family values.

Unfortunately, this mingling with other races had also openned up the Air Nomads to the plague, taking the lives of many Air Nomads. Panic was caused in the ranks, between the need to isolate themselves again, and the need to increase their numbers. This lead to many disagreements between the temples. Some consider it near time to return to the old ways, as their isolation brought them closer to the Spirit World, and had increased their chances of birthing airbenders.

Min Ya herself grew up in the Eastern Air Temple. She's one of the first children concieved to two Airbenders in centuries. She was a bright child, who adapted to her bending and meditation easily.

A cure to the plague was finally found five years ago. Tenatively, the air nomads are starting to venture out again. However, disagreements between the temples has only increased.

Min Ya can't wait to get out into the world, and see what lies outside the temples.

Appearance: Air Nomads in these times are a combination of the various nations. Min Ya appears to take more after the Earth Kingdom, with green eyes and brown hair.

Special Abilities: Air Bending Master
Other: Is a mean pastry maker.

Character Profile: Katsuo Himura

Name: Katsuo Himura
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Nationality: Fire Nation

Weapon:  Naginata

Origin: Fire Nation

Personality: Katsuo is a tempermental young man, who's emotions are volitale at times. He's very defensive, to make up for his low self esteem.

Background: Katsuo was born to a prestigious Fire Nation family. This had kept him and his family mostly quarentined from the plague, as they were easily able to seperate themselves from the public. Katsuo was the second born of the Himura family, preceded by one older brother, with two younger siblings after him. A sister and brother.

What made Katsuo stand out from the others, however, was that he was the only one in his family not to inherit any fire-bending skills. While being a nonbender was not a social oddity by any measure, both the prestige and the familial stigma grated on Katsuo. He still tries to figure out his place in the world.

Special Abilities: Strong sense of balance.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Character Profile: Mei Li

Name: Mei Li
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Nationality: Water Tribe/Fire Nation

Weapon:  None

Origin: Northern Water Tribe
Personality: Typical of a waterbender, Mei Li is compassionate, caring and even-tempered. She believes very strongly in protecting and helping others to the best of her ability. While this leads her to make friends often and quickly, it also leads to her being a people-pleaser more often than not, out of fear of upsetting others. She puts her feelings second to everyone else's, unless faced with impulse driven decisions that might ultimately bring harm to those she cares about.
Background: A little over a century after the war hundred year war, Mei Li was born in the Northern Water Tribe to a mixed couple: her father a northern waterbender and her mother of Fire Nation descent. She and her brother Akio were very close, only a couple years apart, until an accident sent him and their mother away from the Northern Water Tribe when she was only four years old. For years, she troubled her father about when they would return and begged to go to the Fire Nation and see them, but as the plague struck, it became harder and harder for them to travel and she eventually gave up.

Mei Li was one of increasingly few people to have contracted the plague early on and survived. Having gone through the pain herself, her determination only increased to improve her bending and join the healers of the Northern tribe as quickly as possible. Since the cure arrived in the north, Mei Li's time spent on her personal life has only decreased even more. Her father has been, however, determined to see his daughter married to a respectable man, so without her knowledge, he arranged a marriage for her to one of her closest friends. This hasn't sat well with her since she found out, but up until the present, she's found herself at a loss for what to do.
Appearance: Mei Li and her brother both inherited a very mixed bag of traits from their parents. Mei Li has her father's dark brown hair and bright blue eyes, but with the fair complexion of a Fire Nation native. She's small boned and petite like her mother's people and she also inherited her mother's delicate featured face.

Special Abilities: Advanced healing capability.
Other: Has obtained her waterbending mastery.