Thursday, July 17, 2014


"Sweetie," said Lifen's mother, Lien, hoarsely, "You should get something to eat."

"I am fine, mom. I got something while you slept," she lied. The truth was that Lifen hadn't left her mother's side since they made it to the Northern Water Tribe.

Lien smiled weakly, "You are a terrible liar, Lifen. I will be fine. The doctors will be here any second... You shouldn't even be here. Your father is probably worried sick about you." A coughing fit struck Lien. In an instinct reaction Lifen grabbed her mother's silken handkerchief and handed it to her. Her mother coughed into several times. Each cough looked like it caused her tremendous amounts of pain. It wasn't until she saw red staining the handkerchief did she know something was seriously wrong.

Lifen had panicked. She didn't know what to do when her mother began to cough and choke on her own blood. Lifen jumped up and ran out of her tent without her jacket. She ran as fast as her legs could take her. Adrenaline pushed her onward as she yelled out into the street, "PLEASE! SOMEBODY HELP!" Lifen had come to the North Pole with her mother in order to find a cure. They had just gotten here an hour or two ago before this happened. A healer hadn't even had the time to speak with them yet on their treatment plan.

Lifen knew that on the boat ride here her mom had gotten worse and worse. Lifen did her best to keep her mother well on the way here. Lifen never left Lien's side. She had stowed away on the ship just to make sure she was near her mother in case she needed her. She couldn't let her mother down now.

 Her eyes darted from person to person when she saw a young woman with two small feathers in her hair come out from a hut. A water bender. Lifen ran up to her and grabbed her by her tunic, panic written all over her face. "P-please! My mom! She needs help!" she said between gasps. Each gasp felt like a knife in her chest. Tears stung her face in the freezing wind.

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