Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Meetings and Greetings

As of late, the Northern Water Tribe seemed always filled with silence. Snow crunched under the boots of hurrying healers, sobbing drifted on the wind from tent to tent, a persisting cough wouldn't relent. All that noise, yet still an unfamiliar voice made Mei Li jump like a hush had shattered.

An airbender stood not far from the group, her eyes reflecting as much pity and sadness as her words. Mei Li wondered if she was an acquaintance of the young girl, but a quick glance at the blank expressions the maids carried dismissed that idea. Looking for her then, a healer.

"Can... I help you, Miss?" Mei Li asked wearily.


Akio just let a small smile quirk at the corners of his mouth as Shiro recounted Fan's stories. At least he got the jist of the tale.

"Oh, no trouble at all!" Fan said with a bright smile, "he's a delight."

"Although, he does need to be mindful of not using his bending at inappropriate times..." Akio said mildly, giving Shiro a look. "Remember what we discussed earlier. And now that your brother knows, I'm sure you'll be honest and tell you parents what happened."


"I told you enough with the 'sir', kid," Rennick replied with a look. The circus ringleader was tall, with the most odd blond hair. Rumors were that he used something to make it that color, but since he was never caught, no one knew for sure. His odd amber eyes fixed on Torrik as he knelt down to help gather the wayward props and costumes.

"Rennick is fine. S'what everyone uses, you know, except you..." he said flatly.