Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Waiting for Pick up

It seemed from everyone she asked, the healers were all out and busy. It should've seemed obvious to her, that the healers wouldn't have much rest. There were still so many affected by the strange disease.

"Okay.. so a bit of a curve tossed in.. but we're not giving up, Fana!" Min Ya clentched her gloved fist.

The bison gave a low grunt. Min Ya looked about, when she thought she spotted the garb of one of the healers. "Hey--!"

Before she could make contact though, another young woman grabbed hold of her, pulling her off.

"W-wait!" Min Ya started after them. They had gone into one of the huts, before she could reach the pair. "Ooh.. .. Well, I'll.. just wait right here then.." she sighed, nestling against Fana's fur in the cold.


"Oh, it's so good that the rain finally died down," a high class, middle aged woman mused, as she drank her tea. Across from her, her husband nodded in agreement.

"Quite so.. Osamu is having his drills today, so he would've been so put out if they were delayed until tomorrow."

"Not to mention, Shiro is having his classes. Speaking of, Katsuo!"

The young man arrived in the doorway, carrying some wood. "Y-yes mother?"

"Shiro should be finishing up class soon, pick him up, would you?"

"Of course.." Katsuo bowed, before heading out of the home. He sighed as his feet hit the road. He hated going by the fire bending dojo.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Character Profile: Torrik

Name: Torrik
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Nationality: Fire Nation
Weapon: None
Origin: Unknown
Personality: Torrik is clumsy both physically and socially. He is often blunt and doesn't always pick up on social ques. He's a nice kid, but he tends to rub people the wrong way when social graces are called for. He is very curious and intuitive. In opposite to his mentor Rennick, he is very easy to read.
Background: Like Rennick, Torrik's past is unknown. Torrik remembers nothing of his past. Rennick found him starving and lying on the road as the circus was traveling. For unknown reasons, Rennick helped the starving boy get back on his feet. Since the boy had nowhere to go, and the very peculiar habit of making things explode with his firebending, Rennick took him into his fold in order to become a pyrotechnic for his circus.  

Appearance: Torrik looks like an average firebender with a slight twist. He is pale with black hair; however. he has bright blue eyes that are the same color of blue as his flames. He is gangly and tall (attributing to a lot of his awkwardness). 
Special Abilities: Torrik can firebend, but it's not quite like other benders. He cannot control his flames, so often times they come out as concentrated explosions, instead of a controlled blast of fire.

Other:  Because of his inability to control his firebending, he is currently still only in training under Rennick. He isn't actually a full-fledged member of the circus yet. 


Lifen grabbed the young woman's hand and half-dragged her, in her panic, to the hut where her mother was staying. Lien's servants had already begun lifting her, so as to hopefully open her lungs and let oxygen flow freely. However, it didn't seem to be doing much good for the poor woman. Her face was already beginning to turn blue from lack of oxygen and blood trickled down her chin. The sight of her mother in this condition stopped Lifen dead in her tracks. Her heart sank and it felt as if she had taken a blow to the stomach. She couldn't breathe. She stood in the doorway, simply because her legs refused to move.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Let's Hear More About Dragons!

Training and instinct finally began to kick in, driving Mei Li's numbness to the back of her mind. "Blood. The disease has progressed dangerously far, affecting her lungs and her respiratory system. We don't have much more time to administer the treatment. Please, show me the way immediately. I will do everything I can to save your mother."


In the end, lunch had been so entertaining not a single child wanted to leave the dojo once the rain finally let up. After Akio had finished his sad tale of his mother's heroics, the hall went quiet, many of the children eying them both in pity. But Fan had not let it stand.

"Dragons! Now let me tell you about dragons!" Fan began on a long tale of the first firebenders, of history's great dragons, and then concluded in their unfortunate decline during the Hundred Year War. No one talked during her story, thoroughly enraptured. Akio had heard it a million times; it was his favorite story and the one he requested the most as a bedtime story. He suspected that was the very reason she was telling it now when he caught her eye and she gave him a warm smile. She would never stop mothering him; she'd told him so. And truth be told, he never wanted her to.

The children were still nailed to the floor by the time the story ended. Fan promised another story would be waiting for them only when they returned another day, taunting them with it like a sweet. Every one skittered out of the dojo eagerly, determined not to lose the privilege of another tale if they were too slow.

"Was I that easily manipulated as a child?" Akio asked, scooping up empty and half empty bowls into a neat stack.

"Oh, more so!" Fan chuckled. "I knew exactly how to get you to do anything because I raised you. I'm still figuring them out."