Monday, June 23, 2014

Character Profile: Rennick

Name: Rennick
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Nationality: Mixed
Weapon: None
Origin: Unknown
Personality: Calculating and sardonic but also very playful at the same time, Rennick is simple put, strange. His motivations constantly change, he is impossible to predict, but his attitude toward everyone hardly ever changes. He treats foes like friends and friends like foes whenever it suits him and he seems to have no sense of where the line must be drawn in his behavior. The only other consistency in Rennick's personality is curiosity; he will do almost anything to obtain new information.
Background: The only thing known about Rennick is that he has spent the last nine years in the Fen Hon traveling circus. Only six years ago, he took over as the circus's ringleader and since then, they have never been more successful and well-known.

Appearance: Being of mixed descent, Rennick is one mess of varied traits. He is of average height for a man, with a middling build. His skin is pale like an Air Nomad, but his eyes are green. No one outside the circus, and even some within, is sure what his natural hair color is because Rennick bleaches it white-blonde any time his natural roots begin to show. His hair is kept fairly long for a man, in a side ponytail always draped over his right shoulder. On his left ear, he wears an elaborate ear cuff in a design that looks like nothing common to any of the four nations.
Special Abilities: None

Other: He has seemingly above average intelligence and is very talented at predicting people and reading them.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Character Profile: Akio

Name: Akio
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Nationality: Water Tribe/Fire Nation
Weapon: Martial Arts

Origin: Northern Water Tribe
Personality: Akio is known best for his controlled and calm demeanor. He rarely lets anything break his composure, particularly in the presence of strangers. When he is allowed to relax in the company of close friends and family, more candid emotions surface like humor and things like minor annoyance. However, even at a comfortable level, he tries very hard to keep a tight rein on more extreme spikes or dips in his emotional state.
Background: Akio was born to a mixed race couple, a Fire Nation soldier and a Northern Water Tribe waterbender. Although his mother was not born a firebender, Akio inherited the ability from her bloodline, and despite the war being long over, there was still stigma against firebenders in the Water Tribe for the danger they presented without proper training. Akio's bending unfortunately surfaced when he was very young, only three, and quickly became very volatile as he fought to suppress his abilities out of fear. Their chief soon ordered his parents to take him away from the Northern Water Tribe, but his mother was pregnant and could not travel. Measures were taken to help the boy manage his firebending and for a time, they were successful.

Three years after Akio's sister Mei Li was born, he suddenly contracted a burning fever. His parents took him to the healing huts, but there seemed to be nothing they could do to break the fever, so they had no choice but to leave him him with the healers overnight. Early the next morning, the village arrived to find the hut decimated and nine people either dead or burned.

This time, Akio's mother was forced to take the child while his father insisted on staying behind to wait for them to return. But they never did.

Appearance: Akio is almost a perfect foil to his sister in that he inherited the dark skin of the Water Tribe, but the natural black hair and amber eyes of his mother's race. He is taller and more well-built than his sister, much like his father's people, but his face more closely resembles his mother's.
Special Abilities: Akio's practiced control of his firebending has given him the ability to create every single color of fire with varying degrees of heat.
Other: Akio is trained in martial arts as well as having a mastery over firebending.